Our Mission

The Mission of Telos Classical Academy is to develop students’ lifelong habits of moral and intellectual virtue with the aim of growing in knowledge and love of God and neighbor.

‍Education should do more than prepare a child to be ready for college or have a good career. A great education should guide a child toward wisdom and virtue so they can become a good human being.

Telos develops each child’s mind, soul, and body so they can discover the true, the good, and the beautiful all around them. We introduce and reinforce habits tied to our school virtues. The  practice and repetition of these habits culminate in producing responsible, productive, and respectful adults.

“The only thing more expensive than education is ignorance.”
– Benjamin Franklin


Telos develops the mind by guiding students in learning and mastering difficult things. We expose our students to the wisdom that has come before us through great literature and a comprehensive understanding of history.


Telos develops the soul by exposing students to God’s word and stories and lessons from the Bible that remind us that God’s love connects us all. We joyfully sing to memorize information and use notebooks to observe and record what we’ve learned.


Telos develops the body through outdoor education and common arts activities that activate the mind-body connection.

Mind: Classical Education

Classical education is a liberal arts education which encompasses a strong foundation in literature and history, American civics, Latin, and a citizen’s rights and responsibilities as a contributing member of a free society.

Liberal means free, and a liberal arts education is one that will free a person by allowing him to manage himself wisely and not be fooled by false arguments.

Our curriculum emphasizes the great thinkers, writers, and artists from our Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian heritage who planted the seed in our Founding Fathers to establish our country as a free and just society.

We teach to build a deep body of knowledge, but also to teach students how to think for themselves. Students work to master the content, not simply to complete the assignment or pass a test. They work for the knowledge to become part of the fabric of who they are. We want each child to take pride in doing his/her personal best, learn how to master any subject, and become independent thinkers and contributing citizens.

Soul: Christian Education

Telos is a nondenominational classical Christian school that recognizes the central role of Biblical instruction in a classical liberal arts education. The Apostle’s Creed is the backbone of our Christian beliefs and education offered through the Biblical studies class twice per week. Students begin each morning with the Pledge of Allegiance, the Lord’s Prayer, a personal prayer, and class recitations.

The Bible teaches us about God’s word, history, humanity, and virtue. We cannot become thoroughly versed in the ideas of western civilization without understanding the stories and lessons that come from it. It is a source of virtue and inspiration that cannot be ignored.

What we put into our minds comes out in our words, desires, and actions. Philippians 4:8 urges “whatsoever things that are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Learning and memorizing a verse such as this reminds us to contemplate these things, to seek joy where we can, and to pay attention to things that are true, good, and beautiful in the world God has created.

Body: Common Arts Education

‍The common arts are the missing piece in most children’s education. We must learn how to feed ourselves, find shelter, build things, make things, fix things, protect ourselves and so much more to be successful and fulfilled in our lives. Yet many children do not get this education either in school or at home.

Telos will integrate a common arts curriculum taught by local organizations and community members in the form of trade skills, outdoor education, and community service to broaden students' scope of learning and to foster innovation, creativity, and collaboration.